Booking Instruction


1.   ALL appointments must be booked online.

2.     If you have a previous vaccination history please bring this with you to your appointment.  You can                  obtain this information from your Doctors Surgery or the NHS App.

3.   If you are uncertain as to what vaccinations you require then please book for an initial appointment with        the Nurse to discuss these.  You will receive all the vaccinations required the same day, subject to                  availability.

4.   Appointments for more than one person (group) MUST be booked individually then come to the clinic all          together at the earliest appointment within that group booking.

5     If you require more than one vaccine, ONLY book for one, the rest can be added on the comments                   section within the booking.  The Nurse will be able to give you all the vaccinations you need when you           come for your appointment on that same day, subject to availability.

6     Re-Issue of Yellow Fever Certificate:  You must provide proof that you have previously had this vaccine.           (Yellow card/Vaccination booklet)

7.   Cholera Vaccine.  If you are having this vaccine you should have nothing to eat or drink 2 hours before            the vaccine and for 2 hours after the vaccine.

8.   Malaria Tablets.  We do not provide these. You can buy these over the counter from any Pharmacy                  without having a prescription.